I have a weird relationship with spiders. I actually like them but they scare the shit out of me. I was sitting on the settee the other day and a friend pointed at me. I looked down and there was a spider running across my top. I jumped up screaming and brushing myself down vigorously. Poor spider was probably more scared than I was. After all, size wise, they are tiny compared to humans. I won't deliberately harm a spider. I feel horrified if I accidentally hoover one up. I can't imagine a worse death that suffocating in a bag of human skill cells and other debris. Since moving to Somerset I have never seen so many spiders. In every corner of every room there is a spiders web. I could clean them away but what if its a spiders home? Imagine coming home from work to find your house reduced to a pile of rubble. There is a spiders web currently above my bed and a week ago there was 3 spiders inhabiting it. I had this image of them a...